
how to become a phone sex operator


  • Starting a Phone Sex Operator Business- Where You Fit In
  • Understanding the Differences in the Phone Sex Markets
  • Business Type: How to Become a Phone Sex Operator (PSO)
  • Business Type: Start a PSO Training and Education Support
  • Business Type: Owning a Phone Sex Operator Business
  • Build Your Phone Sex Services Website

There are many different styles of adult phone operator companies such as single actress self-promotion, multi-actor businesses, and even dispatching operators. For this reason it can be difficult to see which type of phone sex operator company you may want to start from home. But luckily, a s in any market within the adult entertainment industry, when done correctly your business will see success quickly.

First, we must figure out where you fit as an owner in the phone sex operator business.

Starting a Phone Sex Operator Business- Where You Fit In

Answer these basic questions to get an idea of where you would best fit when starting in the phone sex operator market.

  • Do you want to be the actor or actress being the phone sex operator (PSO) talking on the phone with clients?

If this is a no, then you would be a better fit for operating a multi-actor business in which you hire other PSOs or a dispatching company that gets the clients on the phone but offloads the talking to others.

But if this is a yes, then consider if you want to have a go at it alone or by starting to hire other phone sex line operators. If you have worked in the adult video production industry and have a name for yourself, this is a great opportunity to expand your brand and create a deeper connection with your admirers. Without an established name, you may find it easier to lean on a diverse set of operators that can help you get more clients through the door and increase your profits.

  • Would you like to hire more actors or actresses to help you grow your adult phone operator company?
old telephone for an adult sex line operator

Depending on your business plan, this can be a huge help or it may diminish your brand. Lots of actors in the adult industry are turning to promotions other than porn to strengthen their name. So if this is you, consider adding onto your own website an option for clients call, text, and chat directly with you. For the most part though, starting a phone sex line operator from home means sharing the stage (or the phone line) with other actors and actresses.

And if you are planning on simply running the business, then this answer is a required yes. You will need to search for people that are both willing and able to do the job.

  • Do you have a website to support the clients calling into the phone sex operator?

By already having the site built out you can add on the phone sex info page and numbers easily. But if not, this is something that you want to get up and running quickly. This way you can begin creating content, curating y0ur look and branding, and begin to reach out to clients and employees that you may need to help you run the business.

Understanding the Differences in the Phone Sex Markets

While all of the businesses are gathered under one market type, they couldn't be more different. If you're considering entering this adult entertainment industry and specifically the phone sex market, there's a lot to consider!

The avenues of this market can broadly be split into two fields:

  1. Operators
  2. Support

What this means is that if you're not seeking a role in being the actual phone operator, you are in a support staff position. These positions can include owning the domain for the website, being an educator for PSO's, and personnel who enhance PSO's profiles.

Business Type: How to Become a Phone Sex Operator (PSO)

There is no real archetype when it comes to the individuals who become phone sex operators. While some utilize the business to help subsidize the expenses of college, others are full-time within the business.

The basic need PSO's fill is sexual exploration. Depending on the site, many of the clients who call in want to play out an intimate scenario. As an operator, it is vital to pick the right call center that fits your needs and expertise. In addition to a lot of research, some self-realization to assess skill-level will help in this process.

Know your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and taboos

There is a certain lingo and pre-existing knowledge the operator must have in order to facilitate the vast number of kinks and fetishes. Depending on your past work and experiences, this might not come to you easily.

Do your research and familiarize yourself with all types of sexual interests and verbal foreplay. You will find that there are all types of clients calling in. Some of them will be the boy-next-door type who want companionship more than anything. Whereas on the other hand, you may get clients that want to talk about the most obscure kink they have and have those actions verbalized comfortably. Either way, know what you are able to talk about easily and work to research and understand the rest.

Also, be upfront with yourself. If there is something that you aren't comfortable with talking about, come up with ways to segue that conversation or turn it over to someone who is willing.

The top 5 skills that all phone sex operators should have

Every adult phone sex actor will be different, but there are a few things that should be common.

  1. They should have a sexy voice
  2. They should be able to keep the client talking and engaged
  3. They should have an open mind to taboo activities
  4. They should be adaptable to different personalities
  5. They should develop a connection with the caller to encourage them to call in again
how to be a phone sex operator actress

With these skills, learning how to be a phone sex operator from home will come much easier. Luckily, many of these things can be worked on and developed over time.

Business Type: Start a PSO Training and Education Support

Not everyone who starts a job opportunity in phone sex line services knows how to successfully speak with clients. While they may have a general understanding of dirty talk , there is a definite gap between being naughty and facilitating a conversation full of elaborate kinks and fetishes.

This is where PSO educator businesses factor into the mix. These programs can look different depending on the services offered. In a general overview, the educating is mainly on a self-reflective basis, with instructors putting the emphasis on different aspects of the delivery.

If you're a merchant looking to enter this business, there is a lot of potential for growth with the number of individuals looking into phone sex operating work. Consumers know there is the prospect for decent money but don't always know the means to be successful in the space. Opening a business that is a source of education for potential PSO's has a lot of rewarding future prospects.

What is a PSO profile enhancer?

Much like the businesses that provide educational courses for prospective phone sex operators, profile enhancers improve PSO's appearance online. The world of phone sex services can be a confusing one. This is why businesses that specialize in profile enhancing exist. Having a polished internet profile can lead to more calls and better clients.

To begin with, most phone ops don't want their actual face to be portrayed on their profile. For whatever privacy reason, this means external images must be utilized. However, if you thought this was an easy trip to google images, think again! Due to copyright and privacy laws, using a random stock image of a model can get you into some legal trouble pretty quickly. To circumnavigate this problem, there are websites that specifically cater to supplying images that are stipulation-free.

Another major aspect of a phone sex operator's profile is the bio. While there is little information for a potential client to access before making that call, a bio can mean the difference between a 2-hour conversation and a 20-minute one. Listing certain kinks one caters to or even just providing some information about the 'actress' does wonders for call rates. The higher-end clients know what they like and are willing to spend significant money exploring it with a PSO. Profile enhancers can make this happen with extensive expertise and knowledge on the subject.

Business Type: Owning a Phone Sex Operator Business

The most obvious market left in the support role would be owning the business itself. While traditional call centers used to have physical locations, today they can be found online. This makes it much easier to operate how to be a phone sex operator from home.

Accompanied by the right management, there is a lot of potential for this market to grow.

Hiring PSOs to scale your business

You may want a specific type of phone sex operator at your business or you may want a variety of different people with different levels of experience. This will depend on your business structure. But one thing is for sure- you want a lot of people if you're going this route of managing a new PSO company.

There are a few different places that you can search for sex line actresses:

  • Shuffle through competitor networks. It's not unusual for at home phone sex operators to work for 2 or more adult companies at the same time. So, why not try to find people with experience in the arena?
  • Post your job on an adult job listing site. There are a few directories for job hunters in the adult sector to find work, make sure that you are on there with the pay, requirements, and perks that you are offering.
  • In the industry already? Reach out to coworkers. If you are starting a phone sex line operator site, then you are not the only one with that idea. Allow your friends and coworkers in on your spoils in the hope that they can bring their clientele with them.
attractive lady lying on the couch with a glass of wine

Keep in mind that the number one consideration that you need to make while hiring is their PSOs age. The actor or actress needs to be older than 18. This means that it is your responsibility to get digital copies of their government-issued identification cards to verify.

Other considerations you should make include that the operator must have a phone line, great service connection, and few qualms about talking to new people.

Build Your Phone Sex Services Website

This should be a secure solution that shows the aliases, photo, and availability of each phone sex operator on your payroll.

If you are setting up your phone sex operator business to target a particular niche, make sure your site addresses that. Some sites target older men while others prefer certain fetishes. Whatever yours may be, look into your direct competitors sites and see how they secure clients and replicate that.

Make sure that you aren't using the actresses real phone numbers when conducting calls. There should be no way for your clients to contact them outside of the line you set up through the phone sex operator website you are running.

The best way to do this would be to setup a third party encryption for connecting calls.

In addition to that, never allow your PSOs use their real names or any real information about them. They should be protected from being searchable online other than their alias on your site.

And lastly, the use of violent speech is prohibited by the FCC in the policies governing pay-per-call services. So, be sure that your actors are aware of this and know how to steer the direction of the call or end it when necessary

It may help for you and your phone sex operators to memorize these 5 no-no's:

  • NEVER use your real name.
  • NEVER disclose your real phone number.
  • NEVER locate your hometown or even state.
  • NEVER say that you're younger than 18 (even if it's just for the client's fantasy).
  • NEVER encourage or allow violent speech.

Making money in adult phone sex services

Ethical handling of operators as well as clients is a major issue in the space. There have been past discrepancies with businesses that have undercut operators by substantially underpaying them.

Clients and operators alike want to have a platform that fosters a safe and private location for communicating. Phone sex is expensive enough, ridiculous upcharges and unfair rates strip operators from having consistent clients. Unfair rates breed lower-quality talent. Consequently, this is a deterrent for callers to become repeat customers.

First, be sure that you are not undercutting your phone sex actors. This will lead to lower customer satisfaction and high turnover which can ruin your new business. Then be sure to diversify your income. There are more ways to start to monetize your phone sex line than just a per-minute fee. You can also try:

  • Adult subscription plans that clients pay for upfront for services on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis
  • Allow adult chat texting, short audio, or webcam video clips on your platform for an additional charge
  • Upselling other products on your site or referrals to supporting businesses
  • Using category pricing tiers of phone sex operators by niche or experience
  • Categorizing length of time so clients get a better deal the longer they talk
  • Allowing tips by having clients purchase tokens before their call to use anytime they're logged in

To do this you might want to look into prebuilt software that already has these features.

Take customer payments online for your phone sex operator business

In addition to that, you need to be able to take customer payments online through your site or an app. To do this you need to find an adult payment processor that knows what your business does and can support you as you grow. This is no small task considering your at home phone sex operator business is high risk.

Figure out your business plan and get your website up and running before you secure a payment partner. They will have questions and you need to be prepared to answer them. But once you find a high risk merchant account that is able to support you, you will have a much better chance at starting your phone sex line business.

how to become a phone sex operator


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